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Ciudad Real
2025, may 6, 7 & 8

FENAVIN. Feria Nacional del Vino


FENAVIN 2023 certifies a great organizing capacity with an event of international importance in the largest vineyard in the world

Caballero wants to appreciate a high level of effectiveness and efficiency


May 2023

The President of the Provincial Government of Ciudad Real, José Manuel Caballero, has paid a visit this morning to the IFEDI trade fair complex, where tomorrow the National Trade Fair on Wine will open its doors in its twelfth edition. It is traditional for Caballero, who is also President of FENAVIN, to inspect the assembly tasks the day before the inauguration, a day in which the pavilions register “a huge movement of people who work so that when we open tomorrow everything will be fully operational with a high degree of efficacy.” 

This is what Caballero has referred to, commenting that the opening of the last three pavilions is something that the organization is very concentrated on, because a lot of work has been done in the last year so that everything will be perfect. Not surprisingly, in FENAVIN’s 22-year history, it is the first time that the trade fair is held in permanent pavilions. There will be no exhibitors in canopies.

The President of the Provincial Government has explained that they have a lot of experience in quality wine sales. Hence, before the event physically begins, thousands of business contacts have already been closed. In addition to this, 25,600 accreditations have been issued and more than 4,000 national buyers have confirmed their presence in the capital of the province. 

However, Caballero wants to reach even further with the aim of presenting the province of Ciudad Real as a land that not only treasures the largest vineyard in the world, but also demonstrates great organizational capacity. He believes that it is very important to sell quality Spanish wine, but it is also important for our territory to be solvent in the eyes of all of Spain and the world, since importers and buyers come from more than 100 nations as well as thousands of winemakers, cooperative members and businessmen from all corners of our country. 

“Thus it is important that in addition to selling quality wine, we are also able to offer a territory and a province with organizing capacity, with the capacity to host and with the capacity to present one of the best international events in the world,” he said, adding that it is also necessary to appreciate “a high level of efficiency to organize a trade fair of these characteristics.” 

Caballero has not hesitated in displaying “provincial pride, because we have some wonderful professionals who demonstrate enormous effectiveness and efficiency with their  work, which is why we want to present this trade fair as an exercise in good management, with the best face and the best image of our wines.” And he added that as the largest territory in the world in wine production we must be able to prove organizational solvency so that all those who visit us these days will be satisfied. Above all this is because there is a lot of wealth that is generated around FENAVIN, the same estimated at 20 million Euros. 

The President of the Provincial Government has remarked that the true success of FENAVIN has to do “with the business that is done here, with the economic repercussions for the capital and the province, with the signing of pre-contracts and with the fact that in the weeks and months following, many trucks full of wine will be leaving to deliver it to ever last corner of the world.”  

IFEDI, in record time  

On the other hand, Caballero has commented that the Provincial Government has managed to finish the IFEDI trade fair complex infrastructure in record time. “It is the first edition with stable, top-level infrastructure. We are trying it out like a new house is being tested and we are convinced that it will be very welcoming to exhibitors and buyers,” he indicated. However, he has stated that they are also happy “with the previous years and proud of what has been achieved by the Provincial Government in order to present the best Spanish wine trade fair on the planet in the largest vineyard in the world. The world of wine is in luck and its epicenter is in the province of Ciudad Real at a trade fair where more than 10,000 people work for three days.”  

Caballero has commented that, thanks to all the wineries and cooperatives from all corners of Spain, we have wines with magnificent quality and Ciudad Real is presented as a province that has a desire and an interest in tourism. “There is  a lot of business and not only in terms of buying and selling wine, but also around the activity that is generated during the days of the trade fair,” concluded Caballero, who was accompanied during the visit by the Vice Presidents Gonzalo Redondo and Noelia Serrano and by the Director of FENAVIN, Manuel Juliá.



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