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Ciudad Real
2025, may 6, 7 & 8

FENAVIN. Feria Nacional del Vino


Buyers from more than one hundred countries will be in attendance at FENAVIN 2023

The 12th National Trade Fair on Wine will be held in Ciudad Real from May 9th to the 11th.

FENAVIN's process for attracting buyers is a model for many other agri-food trade fairs.


Feb 2023

The organization of FENAVIN 2023 exceeds the number of one hundred countries that will be bringing in buyers to the National Trade Fair on Wine that is to be held in Ciudad Real.


Once the pandemic was over, with the restrictions that the situation entailed, in particular in countries that were heavily affected, such as China, and despite the fact that restrictions for Russia are being maintained, the different institutions that collaborate with FENAVIN have been working for several months on the groups of buyers that will be in attendance at the trade fair. 


Taking into account that there are around 220 countries in the world, it is interesting to note that about 42% of them will not be missing out on the greatest business event that the National Trade Fair on Wine represents.


FENAVIN’s process for bringing in buyers has always been, since its very inception, a model for many other agri-food trade fairs that have institutionalized this business reality. 


The goal behind the Buyers Program is to favor direct business opportunities at the trade fair and to increase the possibilities of deferred business. 


First of all the program facilitates the possibility for international buyers to learn about FENAVIN’s global offer, and through the Business Search Engine, select the wineries that meet the requirements they are looking for, and in the second place to be able to schedule business meetings one month in advance, the same to the effect that when the trade fair starts operations all the work agendas will be completely full. In previous editions, FENAVIN began with more than 7,000 closed and agreed-upon meetings.


This program ensures that exhibitors do not attend a trade fair with any uncertainties in that related to business possibilities they may encounter, thus being able to study their export goals in advance by contacting the buyers who are closest to the productive characteristics of the wineries. 


Likewise, for the international demand, it favors the possibility that buyers can carry out all the product knowledge work, which would normally imply much more time and numerous trips, in just under a month.  




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