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Ciudad Real
2025, may 6, 7 & 8

FENAVIN. Feria Nacional del Vino


West African wine importers come to FENAVIN to meet new suppliers and enhance their product catalogue

Among the customers from these countries, there is a clear trend towards those wines that have got higher amounts of sugar and also higher percentages of alcohol.


Apr 2023

Of the countries that make up West Africa, among which are to be found Gambia, Guinea, Nigeria, Senegal or Mauritania, many importers are familiar with FENAVIN, because some of them have already participated in previous editions of the National Trade Fair on Wine. In fact, explains the FENAVIN delegate assigned to this area, Dani Vives, they consider the trade fair as “a good opportunity to meet new suppliers and enhance the portfolio of products they offer their customers”.


African customers among whom there is a clear trend towards those wines that contain higher amounts of sugar and higher percentages of alcohol. And although it is true, as Vives comments, that Spanish wine has historically been perceived as a ‘cheap’ wine, “little by little they are beginning to value its quality, and their perception as consumers is changing”.


So, this means good news for wineries that want to open a path among customers in Africa, since the wine sector is also experiencing sustained growth in recent years in this country, due in large part to the increase in the middle class, which is associated with a greater demand for this type of product, which therefore entails an increase in the volume of imports, and this -adds the FENAVIN Delegate- “has not only had an impact on a growth in the consumption of wine itself, but rather consumers with greater purchasing power are looking for a product of a certain quality”.


Spanish wineries must know that it is important, as exporters, to be aware of the particularities of these markets and their idiosyncrasies. “Spanish wines are beginning to be known, but it is necessary to do a good commercial job to value its quality”.


On the other hand, and according to Dani Vives, they are markets in which price variable plays an important role, so it could be interesting to present the most basic ranges of wine, at first, and gradually introduce those with higher price ranges.


However, -he assures to finish-, “it will be necessary to carry out exhaustive commercial follow-up that allows establishing and maintaining commercial relations with importers”.


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