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Ciudad Real
2025, may 6, 7 & 8

FENAVIN. Feria Nacional del Vino


Ryan Opaz: "Internet offers wineries a different way of communicating with its customers"

At Fenavin the co-founder of Catavino.net mentions that companies continue talking with the consumer on the network, when they should actually be taking with him


May 2015

Today at Fenavin the Wine Blogger Ryan Opaz, Specialist in wines and in digital communication scopes, has imparted a lecture called "Five things in social media that wineries do to sell wine and that you don"t. In the opinion of this blogger, the key to success in on-line communication is based on doing something different to what others are doing.

"Differentiation is the key to reaching new consumers and markets", Opaz explained, "however, companies are limiting themselves to copying the strategies that have been successful for other companies, but they are not daring to innovate and look for their own communication style on social media".

"Something that is still not quite understood in the world of wine is that digital communication is different from traditional communication", the Blogger continues, "Internet represents a different kind of culture and a different way of thinking, with the Internet wineries directly communicating with the consumers, which is enriching for them; and, however, they just merely display their products".

In Opaz"s opinion the level of profiting from the resources offered by the Internet is, among the Spanish wineries, "very low", to the point that they do not even offer services or possibilities on-line that are quite common in the world of wine distribution, as is the case with selling their products.

Ryan Opaz came to Fenavin for the first time in the year 2005, and since then he has visited the trade fair another two times. "What makes the difference at Fenavin is undoubtedly the Wine Gallery, which is a great way of taking the pulse of a situation and see what is really brewing away here".

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"Foto 3"

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