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Ciudad Real
2025, may 6, 7 & 8

FENAVIN. Feria Nacional del Vino


"Future perspectives on the Romanian market", under debate at the National Trade Fair on Wine

Participating in the round table will be Daniel Comanita, President of the Hispano-Romanian Association in Castilla-La Mancha; Andrei Luca, Adviser on European Matters for the Romanian Embassy and Nick Filip, expert in wine on the Rumanian market


May 2009

The delegate for FENAVIN in Romania and the President of the Hispano-Romanian Association of Castilla-La Mancha, Daniel Comanita, will be coordinating the round table "Future Perspectives on the Romanian Market", which will take place within the frame of FENAVIN, National Trade Fair on Wine-2009, to be celebrated at the Ciudad Real Trade Fair Pavilion from May 5th to the 7th, with the participation of Andrei Luca, Adviser on European Matters for the Romanian Embassy and Nick Filip, expert in wine on the Romanian market.

According to the delegate "there is a fantastic opportunity for Spanish wines on the Romanian market, because more than 800,000 Romanians are living in Spain". In this sense, he assures that "the evaluation made of the quality of Spanish wines by the Romanian consumers is a good one and it is determined by the strong and unexplainable, for some, approximations that exist between the two peoples". "The only handicap -according to Comanita- is that there are very few Spanish wines in Romania and the ones that do exist are very expensive".

He also informs that "Romania is the seventh country in the EU with a population of more than 23 million, a Latin and Christian country with very interesting future perspectives for Spain, in particular taking into account its entry to the European Union".

Traditionally Romania has been an important wine country, "although at this time there is much work ahead of us", he explains. "Important foreign investment has been arriving in the last few years: French, Italian and Spanish, which is something that is transforming this sector. There is a fundamental element represented by the European funds that will affect this sector in a very positive way", he adds. "Even so Romanian wines are expensive, and this is the reason why he is confident that very good quality Spanish wines will enjoy success", he predicts.

The President of the Hispano-Romanian Association of Castilla-La Mancha assures us that "Romania is a country of consumers and despite the international crisis, consumption is not actually dropping very much". Notwithstanding, he says that "there is not much of a wine consumption culture, although Romanians are very open to other brands of wine that are not from the country. More white wine than red wine is consumed; most Romanians consume semi-sweet and sweet wines and normally it is the price they look at".

According to the delegate, "FENAVIN is an innovative initiative determined by an important production market. "I consider that promoting new markets is a very intelligent strategy", he concludes.



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